
Monetary Donations

Generous donations provide the majority of our budget. We are a 501(c)3 organization and your contributions are tax deductible. Click the button below to donate through PayPal, or your Debit or Credit Card . We will provide a receipt for your records.

If you do not wish to use PayPal or your Debit or Credit Card, you may also donate by mail. Simply mail a check to:

Friends of the Central Cascades Wilderness
15110 Yellow Pine Loop
Bend, OR 97707

Please write “FCCW donation” on the memo line and include a note with your name, phone, address and email. Contact us at with any questions.

Equipment Donations

Another way to support us is to consign your used outdoor equipment at The Gear Fix in central Bend. When you drop your gear off at Gear Fix ask to have it put on FCCW’s donation account and we will get the proceeds.

We’ve also occasional need to replace supplies and tools used in our work. If you’re interested in helping out with this sort of kit please contact us at to find out our current needs. Trash bags, grain bags, and regular shovels see a lot of use. Rock bars, rock slings, rogue hoes, hazel hoes, limbing saws, 3 to 4′ crosscut saws, wedges, pulaskis, and axes also get some use. Brace drills, 1/4″ and 3/8″ auger bits, 1″ or larger chisels, 7/16″ and 1/2″ box or socket wrenches, and post hole diggers are used in sign installations.

Where the Money Goes

Friends of the Central Cascades Wilderness volunteers pour their hearts and souls into stewardship with our core volunteers logging hundreds of hours on behalf of Friends. Many others have contributed parts of their weekends, their evenings, and use of their vehicles to get to trailheads. Giving is fundamentally to what Friends is about.

But there are costs associated with operating a nonprofit. Hosting for this website, office supplies, our 501(c)3 application fee for example are part of our yearly maintenance fees. So is our Oregon Business Registration. Other expenses fall into the capacity building category, such as operating costs, program development, printing materials and posters so folks can find out about us at Forest Service ranger stations and events.  We also invest in volunteer recruitment, training, and equipment like that described above for stewardship projects.

We’re for Real

We are 100% committed to transparency. Here is our IRS determination statement:

ice on Lower Rosary lake